Home » Hair Health » Distinguish between fine and thin hair

When it comes to the talk about hair there are certain types of hair and they are mentioned as thick, thin, silk, coarse, etc. girls usually like to style their hair in different ways and to keep them in the condition they make use of certain chemical hair products. You can do anything on your hair but before doing something on your hair next time get to know the type of hair you are having.
Most people thinking that fine and thin hair is the same thing but it is not the fact there is the difference between fine hair and thin hair. Get to know about those differences if you want to know via this article.
What is thin hair?
The thin hair is as the name explains they are very thin. On wearing any of the hairstyles you can easily find the scalp that is they are visible. Simply the thin hair people have very few hair follicles which are packed together. The thin hair is not only because of the product you are using over your hair they also caused because of your genetic inheritance, or dye to hair loss. In most cases, hairdryers and other hair styling applications may be the reasons.
What is fine hair?
Fine hair means the individual thickness of your hair strands and they are said to be fine hair because of the reason they are thinner than sewing thread. This is the main reason why they get broke easily than other hair types. At the same time, styling and managing fine hair is not so easier but they are shinier when it is compared to the coarse hair type.
Comparison of thin and fine hair
Thin hair is a package of fewer hair follicles together and fine hair means the individual hair thickness of each hair strands. When comparing to fine hair the thin is so difficult to get styled, similarly, fine hair is shinier than thin hair.
Both of these hair types require special attention to take care of them when hair is your primary concern takes care of them. Especially before using any of the hair products look at their ingredients to prevent them are getting damaged.
When it comes to fine hair vs thin hair there are some differences get to know of them via this article.